TM 5-6675-325-14Table 3-3. ORGANIZATIONAL TROUBLESHOOTING - ContMALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION8. POOR FOCUS.Step 1.Check that lens sleeve is not unscrewed higher than focus wheel.(a) If lens sleeve has correct height, proceed to step 2.(b) If lens sleeve height is incorrect, remove lens from reader-printer and screw lens sleeve further into trunnion.Step 2.Check that lens is not installed upside down. Legend, LENS MADEIN JAPAN, should(a)(b)Step 3. Check(a)(b)(c)(d)If lens isIf lens isposition.meshing offace downward.installed correctly, proceed to step 3.not installed correctly, install lens in correctfocus wheel with lens sleeve.Trunnion should sit squarely on upper microfiche glass.If trunnion is not square, check for burrs on trunnion base,trunnion ears, or yoke in which trunnion rests.Check that microfiche handler is correctly locked.Lock correctly.3-54
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