TM 5-6675-320-14
(2) The microprocessor uses a single level of interrupt to update the inter-
p o l a t o r s e c t i o n.
This interrupt request is synchronized to the microprocesso r
instruction fetch cycle by the latch U60B, gate U31A, and latch U28B.
u . S e l f - t e s t c i r c u i t r y.
The built-in self-test provides a means of locating a
defective stage or component and is an aid in performing certain alinements.
circuitry consists of the CONTINUE switch S3, the self-test switch S4-2, RESET
switch S5, U68, and the self test LEDs.
v . R e g i s t e r d e c o d e r s.
Register selection is determined by the data bits A0-A4
and the states of the register access line (RAL), synchronous memory complete (SMC),
extended synchronous memory complete (XSMC), and read lines from the microprocessor.
The functions of the register lines are listed in Table 4-15.