TM 5-6675-320-14
Statement Identification and Use
Statement Syntax, Explanation, and Input Instructions
c p lt
When you specify height of character in csiz s t a t e m e n t , y o u
should specify character height and not height of character
s p a c e f i e l d .
CHARACTER PLOT. Moves pen a specified number of character space
f i e l d s .
cplt [Number of Character Space Widths, Number of Character
Space Heights]
If no parameters are specified, cplt s t a t e m e n t p e r f o r m s c a r-
riage return and line feed operation by moving one character
space height down and returning to margin defined by last
point that pen was sent to by either plot statement, i p l t
s t a t e m e n t , o r t h e p l o t t e r f r o n t p a n e l c o n t r o l s.
If c s i z
statement is executed after pen is positioned by plot, i p l t,
or front panel controls, location of pen when csiz s t a t e m e nt
is executed becomes that margin pen returns to when cplt i s
executed without parameters.