TM 5-6675-320-14
Statement Identification and Use
Statement Syntax, Explanation, and Input Instructions
csiz - Cont
Aspect ratio parameter specifies ratio of height of character
t o i t s w i d t h .
For example, an aspect ratio of 2 specifies
characters that are twice as high as they are wide.
An aspect
ratio of 1 specifies square characters.
Paper ratio parameter specifies ratio of height of scaling
a r e a t o i t s w i d t h.
Scaling area is defined by scaling points
P1 and P2.
For example,
10 in. high X 15 in. wide scaling
area has paper ratio of 10:15 or 2:3.
Angle of rotation parameter specifies direction in which char-
acters are printed.
Direction is expressed as angle (measured
left) between line of print and X-axis, as shown below.
Parameter is expressed in current angular units (degrees,
radians, or grads).
Default values for four parameters are as follows:
Aspect Ratio
Paper Ratio
A n g l e o f R o t a t i o n 0
Executing csiz statement without parameters sets default
v a l u e s.
These values are also set when plotter is initialized
o r c l e a r e d ( p c l r ) .
The following example program uses C S I Z instruction (line 3)
to specify chatacter dimensions and shape and rotate lettering
d i r e c t i o n t h r o u g h e n t i r e c i r c l e i n 1 0 - d e g r e e i n t e r v a l s . P l ot
statement (line 2) centers pen for each printing sequence.