TM 5-6675-320-14
(c) Position paper squarely against ridge at bottom of pIaten and
against paper stop on left side.
Smooth paper with back of hand.
(d) Press CHART HOLD switch. (CHART LOAD should go off).
( 1 0 ) L o a d p e n s.
To avoid possible injury to fingers, always turn plotter off when directly
storing pens.
(a) Turn off (0) LINE power switch.
(b) Remove cap from first pen.
(c) Place tip of pen in boot at base of stable.
(d) Gently press pen down and in until it snaps in place.
( e ) R e p e a t f o r a l l f o u r p e n s .
(11) Perform four-color dynamic test.
( a ) I n s e r t 9 8 0 0 s e r i e s t e s t c a r t r i d g e i n t o c o m p u t e r.
(b) Load test cartridge by pressing STOP, ERASE, A, EXECUTE, RESET,
1bd3, and EXECUTE.
(c) When computer
(d) When computer
(e) When computer
(f) When computer
displays ENTER MODEL # TO BE TESTED, press 9872,
displays ENTER SELECT CODE . . .,
press 705 and
displays ENTER # OF TIMES TO RUN TEST . . . , press 1
displays LOAD PAPER & THEN PRESS CONTINUE, check that
paper is loaded and press CONTINUE..
(g) printer should print 9872B PLOT COMPLETE in approximately 6
Compare plot produced.