TM 5-6675-319-14
(c) When exposure is complete, unlock and raise hood.
(d) Remove exposed printing material and process.
( e ) I f c u t - s h e e t p r i n t s o f o t h e r n e g a t i v e s a r e r e q u i r e d , p o s i t i o n n e x t
negative on print stage and repeat step (36) (a) through (d).
(f) When printing operations are complete, proceed to step 11 for
p r i n t e r s e c u r i n g o p e r a t i o n s.
( 3 7 ) R e i n s t a l l l e n s c o v e r.
(38) Turn off MASTER POWER switch.
(39) Remove negative material and mask from printer.
Be sure printer hood is not locked. If hood is locked and MASTER POWER
switch is turned on, damage to CRT will occur.
(40) Lower, but do not lock, printer hood .
( 4 1 ) P l a c e p r o t e c t i v e c o v e r o v e r p r i n t e r .
c. Enlargement Mode.
This operating procedure contains the procedural steps
for setting up and operating the printer using cut or roll negatives and cut-
sheet or roll-paper printing material in the enlargement mode. This procedure also
d e s c r i b e s t h e m u l t i p l e - p r i n t f e a t u r e u s i n g r o l l p a p e r.
(1) Turn off MASTER POWER switch.
(2) Turn off LIFTER POWER switch.
(3) Turn off TRANSPORT POWER switch.
(4) Check optical and light system cleanliness (Table 9-1).
(5) Check platen airbag pressure (Table 9 - 1).
Be sure 138 mm
(See paragraph
enlargement lens is securely in place in lens box assembly.
9-6.1a for lens changing procedures.)
of 138 mm enlargement lens is set to f/4.5.
(6) Set MODE switch to TEST.
(7) Unlatch and raise printer hood .