TM 5-6675-319-14
n .
Reassemble drive side components to a point where the developer spray
a s s e m b l y i s r e i n s t a l l e d.
Be sure perforated holes are pointing down on upper spray tubing, and
the bottom tubing pointing up.
o .
Reinstall perforated developer spray tubes.
p .
Reinstall center rollers between drive chain and secure with nuts and
q. Reinstall bottom rollers and turnaround roller and secure with spring
r .
Reinstall film guide shoes and tie rods.
s .
Reinstall small and metal rollers and secure with spring and locking
plate assemblies.
t .
Reinstall remaining rollers and secure with studs and nuts .
Reinstall drive roller and secure with spacer assembly.
v .
R e i n s t a l l t i e r o d h a n d l e.
When adjusting screws, adjust chain tension to remove slack in chain.
x .
V e r i f y t h a t a l l r o l l e r s r o t a t e e a s i l y w h e n d r i v e g e a r i s r o t a t e d.
y .
Reinstall rack assembly into processor.
Reinstall crossovers, covers, and top cover.