TM 5-6675-318-14
Table 4-21. CODE DESCRIPTIONS - Cont
Code 21, Display and/or Enter Latitude Estimate
Enter code 21 to display or enter the input latitude in degrees, minutes, and
seconds of the site. The MX 1502 interprets latitude in terms of the satellite
datum. The input latitude entered into the MX 1502 remains unchanged throughout the
position fixing computations. Changing the displayed value resets the 3D position
and translocation fix computation. Press the enter (E) key to retain the displayed
l a t i t u d e .
Previous Latitude
To enter a new latitude, enter the degrees, minutes, and seconds with a space
between degrees and minutes, and between minutes and seconds. Use the change sign
+/- key to change from N (north) to S (south) or vice versa. Use a decimal point
between seconds and fractions of seconds. Press the enter (E) key.
New Latitude
Code 22, Display and/or Enter Longitude Estimate
Enter code 22 to display or enter the input longitude in degrees, minutes, and
seconds of the site.
The MX 1502 interprets longitude in terms of the satellite
The input longitude entered into the MX 1502 remains unchanged throughout
t h e p o s i t i o n f i x i n g c o m p u t a t i o n s.
Changing the displayed value resets the 3D
position and translocation fix computations.
Press the enter (E) key to retain the
d i s p l a y e d l o n g i t u d e.
Previous Longitude