TM 5-6675-318-14
Table 4-21. CODE DESCRIPTIONS - Cont
REMOTE - Remote mode is used to collect satellite data in real time, receive
translocation data (via a communications link) from another MX 1502, and compute 2D,
3 D p o s i t i o n , a n d t r a n s l o c a t i o n f i x e s.
CONTROL - Control mode is used to collect satellite data in real time, compute 2D
and 3D position fixes. and transmit translocation data over a communications link
for translocation at a remote MX 1502.
NAVIGATE - Navgate mode is used for navigation when the MX 1502 is moving with
respect to theearth's surface. A dead reckoned position, and the 2D position fix,
are computed.
New Mode
Press the enter (E) key to retain the displayed mode. To select a new mode, press
the +/- key until the desired mode is displayed. Then press the enter (E) key.
When switching from the off-line mode to another mode, a message will be displayed
to remind the user to position the tape cassette for recording data. Switching the
MX 1502 to the off-line mode, then out of the off-line mode, does not destroy the
realtime fix results or accumulated fix data. If MX 1502 power goes off while in
the off-line or navigate mode, the unit will be in the standard mode when power is
r e s t o r e d .
Code 16, Self-Test
E n t e r c o d e 1 6 t o i n t i a t e t h e s e l f - t e s t . T h e r e s u l t s o f t h e s e l f - t e s t a r e i n d i c a t ed
by a combination of code numbers and letters. The receiver status (1) is shown on
the left of the slash and error codes (2) on the right of the slash. Explanations
of the codes are listed below. Error codes remain until cleared by a successful
self-test. The self-test may be aborted with code 237.
Receiver Status Codes (1)