TM 5-6675-318-14
Table 4-21. CODE DESCRIPTIONS - Cont
Press the enter (E) key to display the contents of that address.
Memory Contents
Code 9, Display Decimal Notation
Enter code 9 to display the contents of a memory location in decimal notation.
Enter the memory address in octal notation.
Memory Address
Press the enter (E) key to display the contents of that address.
Memory Contents
Code 10 Display and/or Enter Mode
Enter code 10 to display or change the mode of the MX 1502. The modes are as
f o l l o w s :
STANDARD - Standard mode is used to acquire satellite data in real time and compute
2D and 3D position fixes.
OFF LINE - Off line mode is used to process cassette tape data. The satellite
r e c e i v e r i s d i s a b l e d.
Previous Mode