TM 5-6675-318-14
A u t o m a t i c pen storage.
(1) Select color pen desired for stable 1 and load in pen holder arm.
(2) Press ENTER followed by pen stable button 1.
( 3 ) Repeat procedure for remaining three pens, changing to appropriate pen
stable button each time.
A f t e r depressing pen stable button, pen holder should place pen in the
designated stable and return to its original position for loading of next
d. Loading paper.
(1) Check that plotter is energized.
( 2 ) Press CHART LOAD switch.
Pen should move to upper
T h i s r e l e a s e s e l e c t r o s t a t i c h o l d i n g mechanism.
right corner of platen.
(3) Raise paper stop by pressing down on upper portion with screwdriver or
other pointed object.
(4) Position paper squarely against ridge at bottom of platen and against
paper s t o p o n l e f t s i d e .