TM 5-6675-302-14&P
4-8. Light Concealing Hood (Model 242406 Only).
a. General. The light concealing hood (fig. 4-3)
consists of a bracket, barrel, spring clip and cotter
pin hinge, This assembly slides over the target to
confine all light at one point during night opera-
b. Removal.
(1) Release spring clip from target.
(2) Remove bracket by sliding bracket over the
top of target.
(3) Remove barrel from bracket with a twist-
like turn.
C. Cleaning and Inspecting.
(1) Brush all dirt, dust, and foreign matter
from the bracket and hood.
(2) Inspect for breaks or other damage; repaint
worn spots.
d. Installation. Reassemble
lustrated in figure 4-3.
4-9. Light Concealing Hood
and install as il-
(Model USATS-79
a. General. The light concealing hood (fig. 4-4) is
a single piece of molded rubber which slides over
the target plate to limit stray light during night
b. Removal. Slide the light concealing hood up
and off the target plate (fig. 4-4).
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Brush all dirt, dust, and foreign matter
from the light concealing hood.
(2) Inspect for breaks, cracks, or other
d. Installation. Install light concealing hood
(figure 4-4).
4-10. Tribrach Assembly.
a. General. The tribrach assembly consists of
the tribrach, leveling screw, optical plummet, cir-
cular level, and base plate assemblies. The
tribrach assembly facilitates quick and accurate
installation and removal of a target assembly to a
preleveled base attached to a tripod head; thus,
enabling the operator to shift the instrument bet-
ween established stations, without having to level
or realine the target assembly each time it is mov-
b. Removal. Refer to figure 4-3 for model
242406, or figure 4-4 for model USATS-79, and
remove the tribrach assembly as follows:
(1) Loosen the tribrach lock screw. Rotate the
tribrach lock lever counterclockwise, and remove
the target assembly from the tribrach assembly. (If
target assembly is not mounted, see (2) below).
(2) Unscrew the bridge screw (43, fig. 4-5 for
model 242406, or 11, fig. 4-6 for model USATS-79),
and remove the tribrach assembly from the tripod.
C. Cleaning and Inspection. Brush all dirt, dust,
and foreign matter from the tribrach components.
Wipe all surfaces clean with a soft, lint-free cloth
moistened with an approved cleaning solvent.
Thoroughly clean all bearing surfaces on which the
tapered locking wedges ride. Inspect the three
leveling screws for improper operation. They
should turn smoothly and evenly, yet require a
moderate amount of force exerted by thumb and
forefinger, to turn without backlash. Lubricate
bearing surfaces sparingly before reassembling
the tribrach assembly to the theodolite. Replace a
defective tribrach assembly.
d. Installation. Reverse the procedures describ-
ed in b, above.
4-11. Tripod Assembly.
a. General. The tripod is equipped with exten-
sion legs and consists of the tripod head, tripod leg
assemblies, and the cover plate. A plumb bob and
tripod wrench on model 242406 or key, socket
screwhead on model USATS-79 are kept in the
tripod accessory case, which is mounted on one of
the tripod legs. The plumb bob is used along with
the tripod to center the instrument exactly over the
station point, On model 242406 the tripod wrench
is used to tighten or loosen the clamping screws
located under the tripod head that secures the
tripod leg assemblies in position. On model
USATS-79 the key, socket screwhead performs the
same function as the tripod wrench.
b. Disassembly. On model 242406 refer to fig-
ure 4-5 and disassemble the tripod; on model
USATS-79 refer to figure 4-6.
c. C1eaning and Inspection.
Clean parts in a well-ventilated area.
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly.
Dry cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec.
P-D-680) used to clean parts is potential-
ly dangerous to personnel and property.
Do not use near open flame or excessive
heat. Flash point of solvent is 100F to
138F (38C to 59C).