ARMY TM 5-6675-238-14
Bit 0 will change from false to true logical state when-
ever bit 1, 2, or 3 change from the false to the true
state, Bit 0 will change back to the false state on an
INP status command.
(9) The UART serial-to-parallel or parallel-to-
serial timing takes place after the proper command
word has been received. On the send to teletypewriter
cycle, the data in the send register is converted to serial
form and given start code, stop code, and timing char-
acteristics in accordance with the type of teletypewriter
involved. The SPU timing is for a five level Baudot
teletypewriter. On the receive from teletypewriter cy-
cle, the serial output from the teletypewriter is accumu-
lated in the receive register after having the start and
stop codes stripped off.
k. Built-In Test. The SPU contains circuitry for
self-test, During self-test, the SPU must be disconnected
from all external devices except the tape reader. Three
cables that normally connect to the computer must be
looped back and connected to test connectors on the
SPU. The buffer unit cable is not looped back for self-
test until the SPU FAILURE/ACTION indicator indi-
cates to do so. When the SELF TEST switch-indicator
is activated, the SPU bit circuitry and FAILURE/
ACTION indicator are enabled. In the self test mode of
operation, the tape reader is controlled by the SPU
BITE circuitry and the self-test tape data is made to
look like computer serial data bus address and data
information. Once the SELF TEST switch-indicator is
activated, the self-test tape is read automatically. Each
functional segment of the SPU circuitry is tested by a
corresponding segment of tape information. If a failure
occurs at any test segment, the tape reader will stop.
The address at which the failure occurred will be
displayed as a two digit number on the FAILURE/
ACTION indicator. When the computer/buffer unit
circuitry internal to the SPU has been tested without a
failure occuring, the tape is not automatically restarted.
Instead, a special code is displayed on the FAILURE/
ACTION indicator. This code instructs the operator to
deactivate SPU and connect the buffer unit cable to a
test connector on the SPU. Once connected the opera-
tor again turns SPU on and then reactivates the SELF
TEST switch-indicator. This action causes the tape to
restart and the buffer unit self-test is performed. All
tests except the one requiring manual intervention are
fully automatic and cause the tape reader to continue
after each test has been completed and no failures have
(1) Tape reader control logic self-test. The tape
reader control logic self-test is functionally illustrated in
FO-10 and is contained on logic no. 1 electronic com-
ponent assembly Al, The tape reader data is made to
look like the computer serial data bus. Therefore all
computer serial data bus control and data functions
performed during normal computer operation will be
performed by the tape reader. The tape reader is tested
by monitoring in the SPU that the proper control
signals have been sent to the tape reader and that
proper data has been read. This is based upon known
data existing on the self-test tape, Once the tape reader
has been established as good, the next data on the self-
test tape is used to load a 16-bit register in the SPU.
Three bits of each tape reader character are used to
control the set up and timing of the register, while the
next four bits are used as data to be loaded, Therefore,
four ASCII characters are required to load the register.
The parity bit in each ASCII character is checked. If
parity is incorrect, the test is halted and the PARITY
ERROR indicator is lighted on the SPU panel. After the
four ASCII characters have been loaded into the 16-bit
register, they are verified to be correct by comparing
the loaded data to the known value that should exist
based upon the data on the self-test tape. Then the 16-
bit data word is recessed by special SPU built-in-test
equipment (BITE circuitry. This BITE circuitry for-
mats the data and generates timing signals so that the
output of the circuitry looks like the computer serial
data bus. This serial data bus information is sent to the
serial data bus control logic to control the testing of all
other functional segments of the SPU.
(2) FAILURE/ACTION indicator test. Before do-
ing any self-testing, the FAILURE/ACTION indicator
should be checked to ensure that it is operating prop-
erly. This is done by pressing the LAMP TEST switch,
This switch forces the FAILURE/ACTION indicator to
sequence through 30, 20, 88, 32, and 77, If any of these
numbers are not displayed, the FAILURE/ACTION
indicator or its immediate drive circuit is defective and
must be replaced. The sequence does not function if the
buffer unit is looped back for self-test, In addition, the
LAMP test switch lights all other SPU indicators except
(3) SPU BITE start-up circuitry for the tape
reader. When the SPU SELF TEST switch-indicator is
activated, the tape reader will be sent a run and for-
ward signal. When these signals are sent to the tape
reader, they will also be monitored by redundant circui-
try in the SPU. Similarly, known test data read by the
tape reader is monitored and compared to the expected
values. The self-test tape will have test characters
spaced periodically. Whenever a test character is read
successfully (as determined by redundant monitoring
circuitry), a time-out counter will be reset, and testing
will continue. If the time-out counter is not reset, a
malfunction will be indicated. By spacing test charac-
ters on the tape, a rewind to the start of tape is not
necessary whenever self-test is stopped and then re-
started, If both halves of the redundant monitoring
circuitry in the SPU are not exactly the same, the SPU
is bad and not the tape reader, If both halves indicate a
failure, the tape reader is determined to be faulty. In
such a case, a special code is displayed on the FAIL-
URE/ACTION indicator on the SPU.