TM 5-3610-286-20
(7) Delivery group (07).
(a) Dust catcher assembly. Located under tool tray on drive side frame. Filters air from
suction slow-down wheels before it gets to compressor.
(b) Delivery light assembly. Located under delivery plexiguard. Lights delivery pile area.
(c) Sheet stop assembly. Located on both side frames at delivery end. Controls side-to-side
stacking of delivery pile through a cam and lever system. It is run by sprocket of delivery grippers
(d) Blower tube assembly. Located below delivery plexiguard. Provides downward air blast
to sheets as they pass into delivery area. Aids in controlling and stacking sheets after release by
delivery grippers.
(e) Gripper system assembly. Located in the delivery area. Chain-driven system containing
three gripper bars. The gripper bars pull printed sheets as they travel from impression cylinder to
delivery pile. Grippers are opened and closed by cams and cam levers at points within the delivery
(f) Suction slowdown assembly. Located under main cylinders of press in delivery area.
Slows down sheets entering delivery area. Suction slowdown wheels are supplied suction air from the
compressor and are rotated by the suction drum motor.
(g) Suction drum limit switch. Located under suction drum assembly. Safety device to
prevent paper pile from being raised too high and causing damage to the printing press.
(h) Chain sprocket assembly. Located on drive side frame of delivery area. Drives
tachodynamo during printing press operation. Also serves as guide for gripper system chain.
(i) Cam lever assembly. Located on side frames of delivery area. Controls movement of
sheet stops.
(j) Trip block assembly. Located at front of delivery area. Block assembly works with a limit
switch to stop all printing press operations when sheets overshoot delivery area.
(k) Pile lifting motor assembly. Located under main press cylinders on drive side frame.
Raises and lowers delivery pile through a system of chains and gears.
(8) Ranger drum group (08).
(a) Cylinder safety guard assembly. Located above the ranger drum and impression
cylinder. Protects against injury to personnel and damage to printing press.
(b) Cam shaft assembly. Located in side frames below ranger drum. Controls gripper bar as
it comes to register table to pick up sheets.
(c) Ranger drum shaft assembly. Located in ranger drum. Holds ranger drum components
together and has a driving gear on the drive-side frame.
(d) Electromagnetic switch. Located on operators side frame behind lower guard. Controls
ranger drum gripper operation through a cam and lever system. This system either locks grippers or
allows them to function.