TM 5-3610-285-14
If a minus sign appears before 0.000, turn zero control knob until minus sign disappears.
(4) Adjust ZERO control knob of channel selected until a reading of 0.000 is obtained.
(5) Repeat step c for each channel position.
(6) Place CHANNEL control switch in the cyan-colored position.
(7) Place cyan-colored cali-button in probe tip.
(8) Press read pushbutton.
(9) If necessary, adjust SLOPE control with special screwdriver provided, so that display shows reading recorded
on cali-button case top.
Repeat step 6 thru 9 for each of the three remaining colors. Change cali-button as required.
Adjust densitometer for use with the transmission probe.
(1) Connect transmission probe to densitometer.
(2) Connect light table to ac outlet.
(3) Using desired aperture, center low density step of cali-strip over the light spot.
(4) Lower reading arm and depress the read pushbutton.