TM 5-3610-253-14
h. Backgauge brake. Provides an almost instant stopping (within 1/100th of a
second) of the backgauge movement. The backgauge brake is mounted on the back of
the backgauge motor. Solenoid (Y17) is used to control the backgauge brake. When the
backgauge motor is energized, the solenoid is energized to remove the brake. When
the backgauge motor is de-energized, the solenoid is de-energized, and the brake
released, which stops the rotation of the motor almost instantly. During manual
operations, (when the backgauge control knob is pressed inward), switch (S18) is
activated which allows the solenoid to energize allowing manual operation.
i. Control unit (SCU). Located in the bottom front of the machine, just left of
center. Contains seven circuit boards which are used in the control and operation of
the machine. It is comprised of: