TM 9-1290-357-15
c. The adjustable face spanner wrenches are
Direct Support and General Support
used to remove those rings, plugs, and covers
and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts
which are drilled to receive the pins of the
Direct support and general support mainte-
nance repair parts are listed and illustrated in
Section IV.
fully with serviceability standard.
This section sets forth inspection of the aiming
4-17. Inspection in the Using
circle, M1 in the using position and in mainte-
a. General. In general, the aiming circle M1
nance shops.
will be considered serviceable if it is complete
and all deficiencies have been corrected ensuring
4-16. Purpose
operation in accordance with serviceability stan-
Inspection is performed primarily (1) to de-
b. Using Position. Inspection in the using po-
ture of unserviceability, (3) to determine the
sition refers to the inspection performed by main-
work, repair parts, and supplies required to re-
tenance personnel wher aiming circle M1 is
turn the materiel to serviceability, (4) to insure
mounted in position on the tripod M5.
that work in process is being performed properly,
and (5) to insure that completed work complies