TM 5-6675-330-12&P
the sighting point should be 4.5 inches above the
retro-reflector. When the retro-reflector is first
acquired and a return signal is received, an audio
tone will sound for approximately two seconds and
then go off. The audio tone will be reinitiated each
time the return signal falls below a predetermined
level after initial acquisition. When the retro-
reflector has been acquired, proceed as follows:
(a) Note the indication on SIGNAL meter (6).
Carefully adjust the vertical and horizontal tangent
motions as required to maximize the SIGNAL meter
(b] If the pointer of SIGNAL meter (6) runs up
against the right stop because the signal level is
too great, press CAL/START switch (12). READY light
(16) should light and the meter pointer should be
positioned automatically to approximately mid-
scale before further adjustment of vertical and
horizontal tangent motions is attempted, Near
maximum range of instrument the meter pointer
may indicate left of center, but, if READY light is on,
target acquisition may continue.
6. Ranging
(a) After the target acquisition procedure has been
completed, press AIM/RANGE switch (18), being
very careful not to move the instrument, AIM light
(15) should go out.
(b) The instrument will begin to cycle automatically,
A slight clicking sound will indicate that the
measurement is being made, In approximately six
seconds, the measured range will be displayed on
numerical display (7) Read the range directly, in
meters, The instrument will continue to make range
measurements automatically, updating the range
indication on numerical display (7) approximately
every six seconds as long as the instrument remains
in the range mode. Readings may vary by a few
millimeters at short distances to several millimeters
at long distances.
The audio tone will not function in the range mode
of operation.
(c) Repeat steps (a) and (b) until no further in-
crease in the indication on SIGNAL meter (6) can
be obtained.
(d)As the last step in the acquisition procedure,
press CAL/START switch (12) and wait for READY Iight
(46) to light. When the READY light lights, the instru-
ment is ready for ranging.
(c) When in the range mode, pressing the
CAL/START switch will initiate a range sequence.
(d) The range sequence may be stopped by press-
ing the AIM/RANGE (18) switch to select the aim
mode or by pressing the PWR (3) switch to turn off
instrument power.