TM 5-6675-328-14
Remove Model 272-1 target collimator (TC) from case and place in Vblocks.
Provided there are no lumps or gouges in the paint, rotating the TC in the V-blocks will cause no
significant errors.
Rotate TC until the focusing lens adjustment screw that is in line with reticle adjustment screw is on top.
Attach lighting unit.
Turn on light.
Position AS-1 so that it is looking into TC.
Turn on light.
Use one of stellite mirrors and focus AS-1 for infinity by autocollimating off mirror. If reflected image is not in
clear focus, adjust focusing knob until image becomes sharp.
Turn off light.
If infinity reticle image of TC is not sharp, adjust as follows:
Loosen three focusing lens adjustment screws.
Carefully slide focusing lens back and forth until infinity reticle image of TC comes into sharp focus.
Snug three adjustment screws and verify that infinity reticle image is still in register with AS-1 reticle. Do
not overtighten screws.
Position collimators until infinity reticle image of TC is in vertical and horizontal register with reticle image of AS-
Rotate TC 1800 in its mount. Check for out-of-register condition of vertical wire images only. If out-of-register
condition is present, remove one-half of the error using recticle adjustment screws. Remove remaining error by
using tangent screws of mount supporting AS-1.
Rotate TC 1800 in its mount and verify adjustment. Continue rotating 1800 and adjusting until vertical wires
remain in register.
Rotate TC 900 and repeat steps (36) thru (38) until vertical wire image remains in register.
Bring both vertical and horizontal patterns into register using test post mounting base adjustments, and again
rotate TC 1800 . If adjustment is complete, wires should remain in exact register both vertically and horizontally.
If they do not, rotate TC 90° and repeat steps (36) thru (39) until they remain in register.