TM 5-6675-328-14
When TC is in approximate position, rotate it 450 and bring ring at eyepiece end of TC into contact with spring-
loaded plungers at rear end of tube. TC -'may be supported by eyepiece during this operation. Screw in the
adjustment screws and center eyepiece end of TC in tube by eye.
Hold objective end of TC in contact with spring-loaded plungers at front end of tube, screw in adjustment screws,
and center objective end of TC in tube by eye.
Install male connector of lighting unit on bottom receptacle on target post and snap other end onto eyepiece.
Reinstall mirror mounting assembly.
Prepare and aline Optical Plummet Collimator (OPC) as follows:
Remove OPC in accordance with paragraph 2-20.4.
Place plummet adapter tube on a bench, threaded end down.
Mark exact location of the OPC with respect to the plummet adapter tube.
Unscrew axis gears, and remove spring bodies, springs, and plungers from the plummet adapter tube.
Remove the four socket head capscrews that secure the spherical mount near the threaded end of the
plummet adapter tube.