1-15.13 Repair Van Body Skin (Temporary)
Cloth duct sealing tape
- Continued
(item 89, appendix E)
Silicone sealant (item 84, appendix E)
Bend broken edges of skin inward into puncture hole.
Do not
attempt to remove fragments of skin by bending or pulling
Remove any loose fragments of foam.
c. Use cloth (item 16, appendix E) dampened with water to clean
area around puncture.
Wipe dry.
I n j e c t s i l i c o n e s e a l a n t ( i t e m 84 , appendix E) into puncture.
Fill to 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) above surface of unbroken skin.
Apply sealant to cracks leading to puncture.
Length and width of sealing tape, number of tape
strips, and amount of overlapping will affect
s e a l i n g c a p a b i l i t y o f r e p a i r.
Each piece of tape
should extend 1-1/2 in. (38.1 mm) beyond sealant
i t w i l l c o v e r .
Hold sealing tape (item 89 , appendix E) taut and apply.
A p p l y s e a l i n g t a p e l i g h t l y.
Rub into place.
f .
Van should be referred to direct support and general support
maintenance as soon as possible for permanent van body skin
repair .