6-6.2.16 Alinement of Linear Measuring Probe - Continued
a. Assemble QPS with the linear measuring probe.
Activate QPS:
(1) Plug foot switch into CLEAR input jack on back panel of
a u t o - s c a l e r .
(2) Plug linear measuring probe into E1 e n c o d e r s o c k e t o n
back panel of auto-scaler.
(3) Plug power transformer cable into POWER supply jack on
back panel of auto-scaler.
(4) Plug power transformer cable into wall outlet.
(5) Plug power cord into back of calculator.
( 6 ) P l u g p o w e r c o r d i n t o w a l l o u t l e t .
(7) Set encoder OFF/E2 / E1 switch on back panel of
auto-scaler to E1 .
(8) Set AUDIO/OFF switch on back panel of auto-scaler to
(9) Set auto-scaler B/ACCU/A/OFF switch to A.
(10) Set auto-scaler MAN/AUTO switch to AUTO.
(11) Set auto-scaler X MEMORY switch to 1.
(12) Set calculator OFF/ON switch to ON.
(13) Set calculator MAN/TRACE/NORM switch to NORM.
(14) Set calculator PRGM/RUN switch to RUN.
( 1 5 ) P r e s s f o l l o w i n g k e y s:
c .
Tape piece of paper to table.
Draw line exactly 10 inches
long .
Label ends of line A and B.