6 - 1 . 2 R e f e r e n c e I n f o r m a t i on
Numerical values shown on the Calibration Records Sheet, which is
provided with your QPS, must be used to successfully operate the equip-
6 - 1 . 3 G l o s s a r y
Contour interval
Contour method
Daylighted contour
F i l l
RL o r R2
RT o r R1
S c a l e r a t io
Factor used to convert electronic
measurement counts of the
planimeter or linear measuring
probe, to needed unit of measure-
Closed loop on contour map.
I n d i c a t e s h e i g h t b y i n t e r v a l .
Difference in elevation of two
consecutive contour lines .
Estimates volume of fill or cut
from its contours.
Excavation or depression - like
f o r m a t i o n .
Point or edge where cut becomes
f i l l o r f i l l b e c o m e s c u t .
Embankment or hilly formation.
Instrument that provides data used
to estimate area of geographic
shape by tracing its boundary line .
Quantity Processing System.
Alinement reading of linear
measuring probe representing total
number of pulse counts emitted by
probe, per unit of length .
Alinement reading of planimeter
representing total number of pulse
counts derived by measuring area
described by test rule.
Ratio between given distance on map
or drawing to corresponding
distance on ground.