6-2.2 Location and Description of Major Components - Continued
6-2.3 Equipment Data
Quantity Processing System total weight
Power requirements
C a l c u l a t o r
A u t o - s c a l er
Linear measuring probe
Smallest measurable length
P l a n i m e t er
Maximum reach of tracer arm
Smallest measurable length
Smallest measurable area
C a l c u l a t o r
Number of memory registers
Program length
Operating time with battery
Battery charge time
25 lbs (11.4 kg)
110 vac, 60 Hz
110 vac, 60 Hz
0.25 lb (0.11 kg)
0.0014 in. (.0036 cm)
12 lbs (5.4 kg)
45 in. (114.3 mm)
0.002 in. 0.0051 cm)
0.0017 in.2 ( 0 . 0 1 1 cm2)
2.5 lbs (1.14 kg)
224 steps max
3 to 6 hours max
6 hours (calculator OFF)
17 hours (calculator ON)
The QPS consists of five major components which interface with each other.
The calculator can be used independently from the system. When used as a total
system the QPS can provide advanced measurement capabilities. The five major
components of the QPS are the auto-scaler, calculator, linear measuring probe,
planimeter, and a point counter pen.
6-6 Change 2