TM 5-6675-325-14
Make sure B/ACCU/A/OFF switch is set to off before attaching dip-clip to U1 chip. Failure to do so could result
in damage to auto-scaler.
h. Attach dip-clip to U1 chip on main logic PC board.
i. Attach positive lead from multimeter to pin 3 on U1 chip. Attach negative lead to pin 12.
j. Turn auto-scaler B/ACCU/A/OFF switch to A.
k. Roll encoder wheel along work surface, and while it is turning, read voltage on multimeter
Divide voltage reading by two to obtain encoder alinement voltage, which should be 6 ± 0.3.
1. Turn auto-scaler B/ACCU/A/OFF switch to OFF.
m. Disconnect positive lead from pin 3 and attach to pin 1. Leave negative lead on pin 12.
n. Turn auto-scaler B/ACCU/A/OFF switch to A.
Change 1