TM 5-6675-324-14
(7) Print out program to obtain record of program from magnetic card.
(a) Press
(b) Press PRINT:PRGM key.
. Printout should have three columns.
The first column is program step
number, the second column is keystrokes entered, and the third column
shows key codes for the key stroke entries.
. To stop printout at any point, press
. To start over at beginning of program, press
i. Manual program loading. Programs are loaded as a series of keystrokes. The
calculator will display two groups of numbers during the course of programming. The
three digit display to the left is the program step number. The digits to the right
are key code numbers identifying keys pressed by row and column. Keystrokes that
make up the program are stored in the program memory of the calculator. The program
memory has a storage capacity of 224 steps.
(1) Turn calculator OFF/ON switch to ON.
(2) Turn MAN/TRACE/NORM switch to MAN.
(3) Turn PRGM/RUN switch to PRGM.
(4) Press
and CL PRGM keys.
and CL PRGH clears calculator memory of any previous programs.
(5) Determine and write down natural sequence of keystrokes that are required
to perform functions in program.
(6) Assign pro ram an identifying label by pressing
key followed by one of
the following keys:
, a through e, or
Two different programs cannot be given the same label on same magnetic
card at same time in calculator memory.
(7) Key in keystrokes of program determined in step c.