TM 5-6675-323-14
(k) Set auto-scaler X MEMORY switch to 1.
(l) Set calculator OFF/ON switch to ON.
(m) Set calculator MAN/TRACE/NORM switch to NORM.
(o) Press following keys:
Hold magnetic cards by edge. Be sure hands are clean. Grease, oil, or
other materials may damage magnetic cards.
(4) Tape drawing or map to be measured to table.
(5) If needed, aline linear measuring probe (paragraph 9-6.21).
( 6 ) R e c o r d RL v a l u e .
F a c t o r y d e t e r m i n e d RL v a l u e i s g i v e n o n C a l i b r a t i o n R e c o r d S h e e t
provided with equipment. Alinement is performed as a check.
(7) Key in scale of map or drawing to measured.
(8) Press
and a to call up (from memory) lengths routine for feet. Press
and d i f p r i n t o u t i n f e e t a n d i n c h e s i s d e s i r e d .
L i n e a r measuring probe stand is used to facilitate measurement using a
(9) If needed, mount linear measuring probe in stand.
(10) Press CLEAR button to clear auto-scaler.
Do not release until ready to begin measurement.
(11) Press foot switch.
(12) Position linear measuring probe so that pricking pin is at beginning of
length to be measured. Release foot switch.