TM 5-6675-323-14
f . K e y b o a r d . Gives operator direct access and control of the calculator
Pressing a key results in the corresponding command or signal being
s e n t to the logic circuitry and memory. The keyboard has two modes: P R G M ( p r o g r a m )
and RUN.
In P R G M , a l l k e y s t r o k e s i g n a l s a r e e n t e r e d i n t o t h e m e m o r y a n d s e n t t o t h e
logic circuitry which identifies the location on the keyboard of the function,
letter, or number the keystroke signal represents.
In R U N , a l l k e y b o a r d s i g n a l s a r e
sent to the logic circuitry for implementation or transfer.
g. LED display. Displays last entry mode into calculator or contents of any
memory register when commanded.
Also provides all the visual indications of error
c o n d i t i o n s that may exist and the key code of each step of a program when being
entered or run.
h . M a g n e t i c c a r d r e a d e r . U s e d to store programs and subroutines on magnetic
Reads and loads contents of preprogrammed cards into calculator memory.
i. Printer. Provides hard copy of any data, calculation results, or program
9-3.4 Remote Control Switches. The planimeter pushbutton remote tracer switch and
foot switch enable the operator to remotely activate two of four possible signals:
T h e signals that the switches control depend on
which input jacks the switches are plugged into.
Converts ac power to dc power on the auto-scaler.
calculator uses ac power.