TM 5-6675-323-14
c . P o i n t c o u n t e r p e n . Used to count items of a similar type found on a map,
blueprint, plan, etc.
Each time the point counter pen is stroked in counting, the
transducer in the pen emits a signal pulse which is sent to the auto-scaler for
d . D r a f t i n g b r i d g e . A layout instrument and mount for the encoder of the
W h e n the encoder is moved from the planimeter and mounted on the
drafting bridge, it can be used for linear measurement and detailed layout work.
P r o c e s s e s pulses emitted by measuring instruments. The pulses
9-3.2 Auto-Scaler.
are input into the rear of the auto-scaler through the applicable input jack (El,
T h e r e are two modes of entry to the auto-scaler, NORMAL and
S C A L E . This is determined by the NORMAL/SCALE switch. When switch is on NORMAL,
pulses bypass the scaler circuit and are applied to the decade up/down counter.
When the switch is on SCALE, pulses are first input into the scaler circuit
The auto-scaler has five functional components: scaler, decade
before counting.
up/down counter, LED display, calculator interface circuit, and command switches.
Enables operator to perform a scale reduction of the pulse count.
W h e n activated by NORMAL/SCALE switch, the scaler uses a correction constant to
divide input pulses. The correction constant is input by setting dials. Pulses are
then sent to the decade up/down counter.
b. Decade up/down counter.
C o u n t s pulses received from the measuring instru-
ments or scaler circuit.
I t counts up or down, depending on the direction that the
measuring instrument is moved.
The pulse count is continuously output to the calcu-
lator interface circuit and scaler LED display.
c . L E D d i s p l a y . Displays current total of the decade up/down counter. The
decimal place for the display is controlled by the DECIMAL switch.
d . C a l c u l a t o r i n t e r f a c e c i r c u i t . C o n v e r t s the pulse count into data compat-
ible with the calculator and then transmits it through a ribbon cable to the
C o n v e r t s and transmits signals from the command switches. When switch
is on AUTO, data is automatically and continuously transmitted to the calculator.
W h e n switch is on MAN, data is transmitted only when the PRINT command is received
f r o m the PRINT X command switch on the calculator.
e . Command switches.
transmission, and remote operation of the calculator. There are six command
( 1 ) C L E A R . C o m m a n d is sent to clear LED display on calculator and LED
display and decade up/down counter on auto-scaler.
(2) PRINT. Command sent to signal calculator to implement instructions of
PRINT also
subroutine E, stored in memory, which prints the pulse count data.
initiates transmission of that data for printing when auto-scaler is in MAN.
( 3 ) I N I T . C o m m a n d sent to signal calculator to implement subroutine D, which
resets memory data registers for the next set of data.