TM 5-6675-323-14
Coordinate values of P1 and P2 in plotter units are:
P1 = 520, 380 (X, Y)
P2 = 15720, 10380
(8) The following procedure is used to relocate either or both of these
points in order to expand or narrow field of plot:
Press LINE power switch, ENTER key, and
(a) Initialize
CHART HOLD switch.
(b) Using pen controls on front panel, move pen to desired location
f o r P1 or P2.
(c) When pen reaches location, set point by pressing ENTER key
f o l l o w e d by pressing either P1 or P2, depending on which point is to be located
P1 and P2 do not have to be set so that they are still in upper right/
l o w e r l e f t r e l a t i o n s h i p . As shown in illustration, they can also be set
in upper left/lower right relationship.