TM 5-6675-321-14
Remove bolts, washers, and nuts securing damaged mounting brackets to
l a d d e r.
c .
Remove damaged cable assembly from ladder by drilling out rivet.
d . R e i n s t a l l o r i n s t a l l n e w m o u n t i n g b r a c k e t s . S e c u r e w i t h b o l t s ,
washers, and nuts.
Rivet new cable assembly to ladder.
Be sure ladder mounting brackets fit section on rear door and under
personnel doors.
f . R e i n s t a l l l a d d e r o n m o u n t i n g b r a c k e t .
Section may be stored or shipped either mounted on trailer chassis or
Preparation of trailer chassis is covered in TM 5-2330-305-14 and should
be referred to when trailer-mounted section is prepared for storage and shipment.
TM 5-4120-367-14 must be reviewed for instructions covering air conditioner/heater .
b. Remove consumable supplies that have limited shelf life or broken seals. Re-
place missing items and be sure that all remaining consumable supplies are at
a u t h o r i z e d l e v e l s .
Be sure all major components are operational.
Remove all unauthorized or personal equipment from section.
d . M o v e a l l c l a s s i f i e d m a t e r i a l o r s e n s i t i v e d a t a t o p r o p e r s t o r a g e . C o m p l e te
all accountability and/or transfer of documents.
Refer to Preparation for Movement (paragraph 1-6.2) and follow applicable
steps and any additional steps directed by proper authority.