TM 5-6675-321-14
Thread film on empty film spool and rotate crank handles to draw film
t i g h t l y o v e r v i e w i n g s u r f a c e .
Film must be over rollers and tight to provide undistorted view .
f. Turn power switch ON.
Rotate crank handles to draw film in desired direction.
h . O n c o m p l e t i o n o f t a s k , r e w i n d f i l m .
i .
Turn power switch OFF.
j. Remove film spool by pulling crank handles away from viewer and lifting spool
f r e e .
Store film and spools.
l .
Unplug power cord.
Hold viewer surface in place when viewer is placed in mounting bracket to
prevent damage to viewing surface.
Store viewer in mounting bracket.
3-6.2 Preparation for Movement.
Turn power switch OFF.
b . Unplug power cord.
c .
Wrap and tape power cord.
Hold viewing surface in place when viewer is placed in mounting bracket
to prevent damage to viewing surface.
d. Mount and secure viewer in mounting bracket.
3-7. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS. This equipment is designed for opera-
tion only in a controlled environment.