TM 5-6675-320-14
Statement Identification and Use
Statement Syntax, Explanation, and Input Instructions
s cl
- Cont
If scaling point P1 is assigned negative (-) coordinates and
P2 is assigned positive coordinates, origin is automatically
set at center of plot area.
If both sets of coordinates for
p o i n t s a r e p o s i t i v e , o r i g i n w i l l b e o f f o f p a p e r i n l o w e r l e ft
corner as shown in illustration.
For two negative sets of
c o o r d i n a t e s , o r i g i n i s o f f o f p a p e r i n u p p e r r i g h t c o r n e r .
p c lr
This scale corresponds to e centimeter unit of the platen area with the origin (0,0) at
the current location of P1. Since the scale corresponds to a unit measure (centlmeters),
the P2 scaling point is not referenced.
S c a l e i s a u t o m a t i c a l l y s e t w h e n p l o t t e r i s i n i t i a l i z e d o r S Cl
statement without parameters is input. Origin is set at P1
and platen is divided into units 1 cm in length.
Coordinates of P1 and P2 in internal units of plotter are:
P1 (520, 380) and P2 (15720, 10380)
Sends all previous parameters sent in
programming statement to their default values, with following
S C l and psc parameters
P1 and P2 remain unchanged.
Pen does not move but point raises.
S y t a x :
pclr (No Parameters)