TM 5-6675-320-14
Statement Identification and Use
Statement Syntax, Explanation, and Input Instructions
pclr - C o n t
P l o t t e r d e f a u l t c o n d i t i o ns
are listed in Table 4-11 .
X- AND Y-AXES. Draws X- or Y-axis with or without tic marks
o r l a b e l s .
x a x X - O f f s e t [ , T i c I n t e r v a l [ , S t a r t P o i n t [ , E n d P o i n t [,
Number Tics/Label]]]]
y a x Y - O f f s e t [ , T i c I n t e r v a l [ , S t a r t P o i n t [ , E n d P o i n t [,
Number Tics/Label]]]]
X-Offset parameter specifies X-coordinate at which Y-axis will
c r o s s X - a x i s.
Y-Offset parameter specifies Y-coordinate at which X-axis will
c r o s s Y - a x i s.
Tic interval parameter specifies whether or not tic marks are
to be drawn along axis.
If tic marks are to be drawn, para-
meter value specifies spacing, in units of scale statement,
between tics.
Value of 0 results in no tic marks.
I f p a r a-
meter is not specified, tic mark is drawn at each end of axis
o n l y.
Sign of tic interval can result in either normal tic marks
being drawn or tic mark drawn only at starting point of axis.
Start point and end point parameters specify location of
endpoints of axis .
I f e n d p o i n t i s n o t s p e c i f i e d , a x i s is
drawn to P2 coordinate (i.e., Xp2 for X-axis and Yp2 for Y-
a x i s ).
If both start point and end point parameters are not
specified, axis is drawn from P1 coordinate value to P2 coor-
dinate value, as specified by current scale statement (i.e.,
The following relationship exists between start point and end
point parameters and sign of tic interval parameter.