TM 5-6675-320-14
4 - 6.
In general, independent operation of the plotter is confined to
s e l f - t e s t i n g a n d e d i t i n g c h a r t s .
All other operating procedures use a
computer to control the operation of the plotter, using programs written
by the operator,
and inputted through the computer.
4-6.1 Assemblv and Preparation for Use.
Check that selector switches on rear panel are set at 120 V.
Plug female end of power cord into jack on rear panel of plotter.
D e a t h o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y m a y r e s u l t f r o m e l e c t r i c a l s h o c k . P l o t t e r i s
equipped with three-conductor power cable which grounds plotter. Do not
operate plotter from ac outlet that does not have connected ground pin.
Be sure power is off before plugging ROMs or HP-IB interface cable into
equipment, or damage to equipment will result.
Plug male end of power cord into grounded ac outlet.
d. Plug one end of HP-IB interface in rear of computer. Connect other end of
HP-IB interface into jack on rear panel of plotter. Turn holding screws to fasten