TM 5-6675-319-14
Death or serious injury may occur from failure to turn off and padlock
safety switch before repairing molding.
A l t e r n a t e l i g h t i n g i s r e q u i r e d t o p e r f o r m t h i s t a s k .
Turn off and padlock safety switch.
b. Remove conduit cover.
c .
Inspect wires for damage.
Refer to direct support maintenance for wiring repair if necessary .
f .
i .
j .
k .
l .
o .
Loosen wiring and carefully pull it from the entire base section .
Remove screws and base from wall.
Mark and measure damaged area on molding. Record measurement.
Cut damaged area from molding.
Cut section from new molding to the length recorded in step f.
Using damaged area as a template, mark mounting holes on new piece.
With a number 25 drill bit, drill holes in new molding.
With file, remove all burred edges.
Paint base section as required.
Reinstall conduit base on wall with screws.
Carefully place wiring back in conduit base.
Reinstall cover on base.
p .
T e s t w i r i ng
c o n t i n u i t y ,
T e s t w i r i ng
for continuity between power wires and conduit. If there is
determine and correct grounding fault.
with power on.