TM 5-6675-319-14
(4) The +10 kV power supply is not field-repairable and must be replaced as
a u n i t .
It is located at the bottom rear of the printer subassembly. The high-
voltage box, located in the front of the printer subassembly, has the following
Accelerating anode calibration adjust R120 is used to adjust for the
presence of light on the CRT.
Focus control adjust R123 adjusts for fine raster
l i n e s .
Focus calibration adjust R124 (factory set) is used to adjust raster lines
u n t i l t h e y t o u c h.
Beam current adjust R23, located on card 3CC1, is used to control
the CRT beam current, normally 200-250 MA, in the test mode.
(5) PMT digital meter M101 is used to monitor the PMT current when cali-
brating in the test mode for density of printing material. PMT SENSITIVITY adjust
R106 is used to adjust PMT current to -50µA.
(6) The test mode of operation is selected by setting MODE switch S103 to
TEST. The test mode is utilized when setting the printer up for various printing
operations and testing .
In the test mode, the PMKT output is not used to drive the
fast axis sweep.
The PMT output is applied to PMT digital meter M101 to set PMT
s t a t i c c u r r e n t .
The fast axis sweep is driven by a gating circuit, consisting of
Q3, Q4, and associated circuitry, on card 3C2.
The gating circuit supplies a fixed
current of -50µA to drive the fast axis integrator and causes the spot to sweep the
CRT at a higher fixed rate.
In TEST, MODE switch S103 applies -12.5 V to the output