TM 5-6675-319-14
d . R o l l p a p e r t r a n s p o r t ( R P T ).
The RPT circuits begin operation when the
platen air bag and stiffener have cleared the printing stage. As the APL circuits
lift the hood and platen, RPT hood switch S110 closes and applies 120 V ac power to
the APL circuits.
Power is applied to repeat revolution counter CTR302, paper drive
motor B301, paper stop solenoid LS301, and print counter CTR301. Paper stop solenoid
LS301 activates, allowing the paper rewind roller to turn, and paper drive motor
B301 starts advancing the printing material.
Repeat revolution counter CTR302
energizes an auto timer that removes +12.5 V from the APL circuits to stop the APL
and keep the hood open.
During paper advance, the count in repeat revolution
counter CTR302 is reduced by one.
When the hood is lowered, the RPT hood switch
S110 opens and removes primary power from the RPT circuits until the next cycle.
When the count in repeat revolution counter CTR302 reaches 0, the auto timer
contacts close, applying 120 V ac to K301, and +12.5 V is reapplied to the APL control
c i r c u i t s .
K301 energizes and removes power from repeat revolution counter CTR302,
paper stop solenoid, paper drive motor, and the RPT print counter. The RPT motor and
paper stop solenoid prevent any further paper advance.
e .
Control and power system.