TM 5-6675-319-14
y .
Reinstall six mounting bolts into two leveling plates at rear corners
o f r e c t i f i e r a n d o n e p l a t e i n f r o n t c e n t e r .
Tighten nuts.
z .
R e i n s t a l l t h r e e l e v e l i n g n u t s .
Slide rectifier and shock mounting frame laterally, away from doorway,
until the equipment is centered and alined with floor plates.
Move one length of 3/4 in. steel pipe from beneath rear of shock
mounting to beneath forward side, pointing directly toward front wall
of van .
Serious injury may result if inadequate number of personnel are used to
m o v e t h e r e c t i f i e r.
This equipment weighs 1000 pounds.
Slide rectifier and mounting frame forward on steel pipe until mounting
bolt holes in frame are alined with corresponding holes in floor
p l a t e s .
Using levers, raise rectifier and remove steel pipe from beneath sides
and front of mounting frame.
Raise each front corner of mounting frame and reinstall front air
shocks .
Then reinstall four rectifier mounting bolts in each forward
f l o o r m o u n t i n g p l a t e.
a f .
U s i n g l e v e r s,
raise each rear corner of mounting frame and reinstall
r e a r a i r s h o c k s.
T h e n r e i n s t a l l f o u r r e c t i f i e r m o u n t i n g b o l t s in
each rear floor mounting plate.
Reinstall four shock mounting bolts.
Reconnect power cord, MAG and TILT control switches, hand magnifier
and store.
a i .
L e v e l t h e r e c t i f i e r ( p a r a g r a p h 7 - 6 . 1 ).
a j .
Remove shipping blocks from rectifier (paragraph 7-6.1).
Reinstall center post on side door.
a l .
Reinstall metal storage cabinet, blackout microswitch and folding
c h a i r s .
Turn on circuit breaker.