TM 5-6675-319-14
Remove/ I n s t a l l P h o t o g r a m m e t r i c R e c t i f i e r.
41B, Topographic Instrument Repair Specialist
PERSONNEL: Two persons are required to perform this procedure.
3/16 in. Socket Head Key Wrench
3/4 in. Socket with 1/2 in. Drive and 1/2 in. Drive Ratchet
3/4 in. Combination Wrench
1 1/2 in. Combination Wrench
1/2 in. Combination Wrench
3/4 in. Deep Well Socket with 1/2 in. Drive
Hand Air Pump
Pry Bar, four feet long
Long Tine Fork Lift
Photogrammetric Rectifier
Steel Pipe, 3/4 in. diameter, four feet long
2 x 4 lumber, four feet long, 4 each
2 x 4 lumber, ten inches long, 4 each
Remove the following items and their mounting hardware:
( 1 ) F o l d i n g C h a i r s
(2) Metal Storage Cabinet
( 3 ) B l a c k o u t M i c r o s w i t ch
b. Remove eight screws and center post from side door.
I n s t a l l s h i p p i n g b l o c k s o n p h o t o g r a m m e t r i c r e c t i f i e r ( 7 - 6 . 1 ).
Death or serious I
cord is unplugged
d . T u r n o f f c
e .
s t o r e.
njury may occur from electrical shock unless power
before moving equipment.
ircuit breaker.
power cord, MAG and TILT control switches, hand magnifier and
f .
Inflate air shocks to maximum height.
Place 3/4 inch steel pipes under
rear and both sides of shock mounting frame.
g .
Loosen, but do not remove shock mounting bolts. Deflate air shocks.
h. Remove four shock mounting bolts.