TM 5-6675-319-14
7-16.12 Replace Tilt and Mag Controller.
41B, Topographic Instrument Repair Specialist
Flat Tip Screwdriver
Tilt and Mag Controller
Remove dust cover.
b . T u r n o f f c i r c u i t b r e a k e r.
Death or serious injury may occur from electrical shock unless power
cord is unplugged before servicing.
c .
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Unplug power cord.
Remove base assembly cover.
Remove protective cover.
Tag and remove 13 wires from chassis terminal board.
Remove mounting screws, flat washer, lockwashers and defective TILT and
MAG controller.
Install new TILT and MAG controller.
Reinstall screws, flat washer and lockwashers.
Connect wires to chassis terminal board.
R e i n s t a l l p l a s t i c p r o t e c t i v e c o v e r .
Reinstall base assembly cover.
R e i n s t a l l d u s t c o v e r.