TM 5-6675-318-14
Remove bolts, washers, and nuts holding panel, filing cabinets, and
frame together.
Remove bolts holding frame and panel to floor.
e .
Remove bolts and washers holding frame and panel to wall.
f .
Remove table top screws.
9 .
Remove table top and separate filing cabinets and frame.
Replace defective components.
i .
Bolt filing cabinets to frame, secure with washers and nuts.
j .
Bolt panel to filing cabinet, secure with washers and nuts.
k. Screw table top to frame and panel.
l .
Line up holes and secure assembly to floor with bolts.
Secure assembly to wall with bolts.
R e i n s t a l l a n d r e p l a c e d r a w e r s i n f i l e c a b i n e t ( s ).
o .
Have combination lock changed to new combination before storing
materials in security filing cabinet.