TM 5-6675-318-14
8-16.2 Replace Door Latch (Wall Storage Cabinet).
83FJ6, Reproduction Equipment Repairer
TOOLS: 9/16 in. Combination Wrench
Flat Tip Screwdriver
Handle Type Latch
Remove holding plate retaining nut.
b. Remove holding plate and latch rods .
c .
Remove side latch plate.
d. Remove handle retaining nut.
Loosen setscrew and remove bushing from handle shaft.
f. Remove two handle retaining screws and remove handle.
Install new handle and secure with two screws.
h . R e i n s t a l l
i .
R e i n s t a ll
j .
R e i n s t a ll
k . R e i n s t a l l
R e i n s t a l l
bushing on handle shaft and tighten setscrew,
handle retaining nut.
s i d e l a t c h p l a t e.
latch rod holding plate and latch rods.
h o l d i n g p l a t e r e t a i n i n g n u t.