TM 5-6675-318-14
Table 4-21. CODE DESCRIPTIONS - Cont
After selecting the tape movement, press the enter (E) key and the tape will move as
specified. Pressing E with no entry moves the tape forward to the next pass on
tape. Code 99 may be used to display data read by code 44.
Code 45, Control Read Site
This code is operative only in the off-line mode. It does not affect current
position fix results. Enter code 45 to move the tape forward a given number of site
records. The tape will stop after reading a site record. Code 45 must be re-
entered to continue.
When code 45 is entered, the unit asks the user how to move the tape. The first
displayed number indicates the number of site records to move.
I n i t i a l D i s p l a y
Enter the number of site records to move if desired.
Move Forward 3 Site Records
To move to a desired site record that is identified by a site number in the site
record, enter a 0 digit, space, then the site number.
After selecting the site, press the enter (E) key and the tape will move as
specified. Pressing E with no entry moves the tape forward to the next site
record on tape.
Move Forward to Site Record 14