TM 5-6675-318-14
Table 4-21. CODE DESCRIPTIONS - Cont
Code 44, Control Read Pass
T h i s c o d e i s o p e r a t i v e o n l y i n t h e o f f - l i n e m o d e . I t d o e s n o t a f f e c t c u r r e nt
position fix results. Enter code 44 to move the tape forward or backward a given
number of passes. The tape will stop after reading a site record. Code 44 must be
re-entered to continue.
When code 44 is entered, the unit asks the user how to move the tape. The positive
(+) sign means move forward. To move backward, press the +/- key to display a
negative (-) sign. The first displayed number indicates the number of passes to move.
I n i t i a l D i s p l a y
Enter the number of passes to move if desired.
Move Forward 7 Passes
To move to a desired pass that is identified by a pass number on the tape, enter a 0
digit, space, then the pass number.
Move Forward to Pass 22