TM 5-6675-318-14
The processor, ROM I/O register selector, and oscillator form
e . Control logic.
The processor controls all interface
the control logic portion of this interface.
operations by issuing instructions via seven control lines, the 8-bit processor data
bus, and selecting I/O registers via the I/O register selector. The algorithms for
interface control and the implementation of the HP-IB interface functions are
c o n t a i n e d i n t h e 4 0 9 6 - b i t R O M . The oscillator generates a 2 MHz (approx.)
asymmetrical waveform which is used as the main clock for the processor and as the
enable signal for the I/O register selector.
f . P r o c e s s o r i n t e r r u p t l o g i c . The processor interrupt logic is a network of
gates that provides the ability to interrupt the processor for either of two
w h e n an abort message (IFC) is received from the HP-IB, or when the
control line ATN is set true by the controller in charge.
(1) An interrupt occurs for the second condition only when the calculator is
not the active controller.
(2) The processor enables the interrupt logic via the interrupt enable
( I E N A ) l i n e . W h e n an abort message is received via the HP-IB, the interrupt causes
t h e processor to generate a 100 microsecond pulse on the IFC line and then initial-
T h e IFC line was
izes all of the HP-IB interface functions within the interface.
previously set true as the result of an I/O operation from the calculator.
(3) When the interface is not the active controller, the processor not only
enables the interrupt logic via the interrupt enable line, but also sets the immediate
c o n t r o l l i n e ( I M D ) t r u e . W h e n an abort message is received, the interrupt logic
generates a vectored interrupt to the algorithm which initializes all of the HP-IB
In addition, when the controller in charge of the HP-IB sets
interface functions.
the ATN line true, the interrupt logic immediately clears the HP-IB output data
l a t c h and disables the HP-IB transceivers for the HP-IB data lines (DIO1 through
D I 0 8 ) , the DAV line, the NRFD line, a n d the EOI line; then the NDAC line is set low.
This leaves the interface ready to receive data from the controller. A vectored
interrupt is also generated to the algorithm which controls the acceptance and
analysis of the data sent by the controller.
HP-IB output data and control bus latches.
(1) The HP-IB output data latch consists of two 4-bit latches. Data is
transferred from the processor data bus into this 8-bit latch when the processor
The outputs of this latch are
i s s u e s the send interface bus data (SIBD) command.
routed to the HP-IB data lines via the drivers contained in the HP-IB transceivers.
(2) The HP-IB control bus, latch is a 5-bit latch which holds the bit pattern
t o be applied to the HP-IB control lines (EOI, ATN, SRQ, REN, and IFC). The appro-
priate bit pattern is transferred from the processor data bus into this latch when
t h e processor issues the send interface bus control (SIBC) command. This latch
consists of one 3-bit latch and one D flip-flop. The outputs of this latch are
routed to the bus drivers contained in the HP-IB transceivers.