TM 5-6675-318-14
This equipment does not require lubrication.
a. T h e table lists the common malfunct i o n s which you may find during operation
o r maintenance of the X-Y graphics plotter o r i t s c o m p o n e n t s .
Y o u should perform
the test/inspections and corrective-actions in the order listed.
b. This manual cannot list all malfunctions that may occur, nor all test or
If a malfunction is not listed or is not
inspections and corrective actions.
corrected by listed corrective actions, notify your supervisor.
(2) Check that all switches are in proper positions for normal operation.
( 3 ) C h e c k t h a t HP-IB Interface and computer are connected.
( 4 ) C h e c k t h a t c o m p u t e r has power.
(5) Place pens in each of four stalls.
Before referring to Table 3-13, perform Confidence Test as follows:
To prevent serious injury to personnel or equipment, when performing next
step, be sure that fingers and clothing (especially ties) are away from
plotting arm and pen stable.
(1) Remove HP-IB Interface from plotter.
(2) Turn LINE power switch to ON (I).
(3) Load sheet of chart paper on platen.
(4) Load pen in pen holder.
C o n f i d e n c e test begins imme-
diately and runs automatically to completion without operator intervention. Leave
C O N F I D E N C E TEST switch in I position throughout test.