TM 5-6675-318-14
(8) After program is written, set computer in program mode and input each
l i n e of program and any data by keying in complete statement and then pressing
(9) When entire program is entered, place computer in run mode and press
Certain programming practices will assure more effective use of plotter.
A m o n g these are:
. Select pen before first plot command to assure plot is actually
recorded on paper.
. Lift pen before changing colors to avoid a dot of new color at termination
of last vector.
. Store pens at completion of plot so pens do not dry out.
. When using A4 or 8-1/2 in. X 11 in. paper, reset P1 and P2 manually or
programmatically to points inside paper area. Default P2 will scale
plot beyond limits of 8-1/2 in. X 11 in. paper.
(2) Load chart to be edited.
(3) Load pens of desired colors in their stalls.
(4) Straight lines can be added by moving pen with pen controls to start
p o i n t . P r e s s PEN DOWN and move pen in direction desired with controls until line
length desired is drawn.
(5) To add curved lines or labels, construct program to draw desired figure
or label.
Be sure to set scale of plotter to that of chart being edited, and
instruct plotter exactly where change or addition is to be made.