TM 5-6675-318-14
a. All control, programming, and data signals are inputted and outputted via the
HP-IB Interface cable.
It acts as a traffic controller for signals and data, and
c o m m a n d s input and output from the plotter.
Interface circuits perform internal interfacing functions for signals, data,
a n d c o m m a n d s r e c e i v e d in t o a n d o u t p u t t e d fr o m th e pl o t t e r .
It transfers the data
a n d commands the data processing.
c . Data processing acts as the brain of the computer. It interprets the
c o m m a n d s and data, and implements the desired function by outputting signals to
d i r e c t t h e f r o n t p a n e l c o n t r o l s , X - Y pen drive motors and the pen up/down solenoid.
Local control circuits allow the operator to perform certain manual functions
u s i n g t h e f r o n t p a n e l c o n t r o l s . Signals produced by pressing the controls are sent
to data processing for implementation.
e . P e n drive circuits control the movement of the chart pen according to the
instructions received from data processing.
f. Power supply provides regulated voltages to all the circuits in the plotter.
It is turned on and off by a front panel control.
references to logic levels will follow the following convention:
( A ) High = 1 = True
( B ) Low= = False
I n t e r f a c e s the computer and the
plotter and contains the interface bus (IB), used to send signal transmissions to
a n d from the plotter, and the ROM that controls those signals.
References to the plotter and the HP-IB in this description are
synonymous, a s the signal lines on the HP-IB come directly from the
The H P - I B I n t e r f a c e p e r f o r m s f o u r m a j o r f u n c t i o n s :
Monitoring signals from the HP-IB (from plotter) and computer.
Transferring data bytes to the plotter.
Transferring data bytes and information to the computer.
A l l o w i n g communication between the computer and plotter.