TM 5-6675-318-14
1-20.3 Replace Personnel/Cargo Door
M O S : 63W, Wheel Vehicle Repairer
TOOLS: Knife
Vinyl Gasket
A d h e s i v e (Item 1, Appendix E)
S o l v e n t P-D-680 (Item 20, Appendix E)
Impermeable Gloves
C h e e s e c l o t h (Item 5, Appendix E)
O p e n door completely a n d s e c u r e i n o p e n p o s i t i o n .
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to clean parts
is potentially
dangerous to personnel and property. Avoid repeated
and prolonged
s k i n c o n t a c t . W e a r solvent-impermeable gloves and
eye/face protec-
t i v e e q u i p m e n t w h e n u s i n g s o l v e n t . D o not use near
open flame or
F l a s h point of solvent is 100 F to
138 F (38 C
excessive heat.
to 59 C).
b. Remove defective gasket by prying gasket from door. Scrape traces of
gasket and adhesive from door. Wash with solvent P-D-680.
Coat gasket area on door with adhesive.
d. Firmly press new gasket onto door.
W i p e excess adhesive from gasket.
f. Close door and wipe excess adhesive from door and frame.
Allow adhesive to dry before using door.